Saturday, November 8, 2008

Greetings All, I really can't believe I have only been here for 6 days. I feel like it's been so much longer than that, which affirms the fact that I know I am meant to be here, although there are certainly moments when I just stop and ask God how on earth I ended up here! But I feel like I definitely will have a role to play once I get into the swing of things and hopefully I can at least accomplish some of the goals I am setting. Over the past few days I have, for the most part, just been getting oriented to some of the apostalates I will be working at and meeting the caregivers and the staff. And of course spending time with the kids, who after only a few days I have fallen in love with. I already have a few "favorites," but I think over time I will have a reason to make each one my "favorite." This week I was able to spend time at My Father's House, Jerusalem!, and Jacob's Ladder. I will say I was entirely overwhelmed the first time I walked into Jerusalem! It took all my might not to burst into tears. The reality of it is beyond words and the only decription I can give is "complete and utter chaos." Over 200 children live there, some of whom are psychotic and most who are severely mentally and physically handicapped. When it comes down to it though, they all desire the same and attention. Thankfully, I was there two days in a row. So, the first day I spent getting over the initial shock of walking into tons of kids running at me, hitting me, and screaming at me. The second day I was able to walk around to some of them and hold their hands and just say hi and look them in the eyes, and essentially give them a tiny amount of the attention they long for. I even got to take one, Amanda, out of her chair for maybe 20 minutes and just hold her. As soon as I pulled her out of her chair she immediately stopped crying and I even got some smiles out of her in that short amount of time! So, yes, I have definitely learned that there is no amount of preperation that can truly prepare you for coming and working at a place like this. I know, I am still not over the initial shock, but I don't think I ever really will be. Because I think if you do get over it you become jaded, which is the last thing I want to happen. All in all, I can say that my first week has gone really well. My roomates are all really great and we all get along really well. Last night we went out to Port Royal, which is the very tip of the teeny tiny narrow peninsula south of Kingston. We all got lobster that was absolutely delicious. Oh, and in case anyone is worried Hurricane Paloma did not hit Jamaica. We had some heavy rains last night, but thats about it. Today is sunny and gorgeous and humid, of course! Okay well, I have so much more I could talk about, but I think this should suffice for now. Please keep me in your prayers as I start work this week without Maggie, the other nurse, who is headed back to the States Thursday. Peace!


Anonymous said...

Sniff, sniff...No, those aren't tears!

Sophia Therese said...

Oh Sarah, I thought of you today, and i miss you! but i think that Lea and I are moving to Jamaica now, so we'll be together again!!! :) lol