Saturday, November 15, 2008

So, it's my second weekend here in Jamaica and I am getting used to life here. I spent three days this week at Jerusalem!, two of those without Maggie. I have started trying to determine the best way to organize the clinic and the medication room. There is a lot of equipment that can't really be used by any of the apostalates here so I am trying to sort through it and hopefully find a place that can use some of the stuff. Below are some before pictures of the clinic before I started going through everything. Hopefully in a few weeks I can post some "after shots!"
So, I think my biggest feat this week was traveling to and from work the first time by myself! The volunteers use the public transportation system to get around mostly. So, a typical morning for me to go to Jerusalem! goes something like this: wake up a little before 6 to be out the door by 6:30, catch a cab outside the house to bring me down the hill to the closest major town (Papine), if we can get a cab without too long a wait we are able to catch the "express" bus which brings me the bus stop in 3 Mile (Downtown Kingston) near My Father's House, then I walk to My Father's House and hop in the Mustard Seed van that drives to Jerusualem! every morning. It takes a total of about two hours. If I miss the express bus than I have a few other options. All of which will add a good amount of time onto the already lengthy commute! So, I try to get out the door on time and pray there is a taxi driving by within 5 or 10 minutes of getting out there! The afternoon commute is a little different: I take 2 buses and a taxi usually, but it takes about the same amount of time. Taxi rides cost on average J$50 which is less than US$1. And the express bus costs J$70, about US$1. Being out and about is sort of stressful just because there are usually a million other people trying to catch cabs and buses and not to mention I sort of "stand out" pretty much everyone stares at me. But I try and not think about it too much because when you do it can drive you kind of crazy.
So, I guess thats good for now. We all slept in this morning which was really nice and we found our missing mop so we have spent most of the morning mopping our rooms and the common areas. Eventually I will take some pictures of the house and post them. This afternoon my roomate Chelsea and I are going to a "staff appreciation" dinner and there is a short term group coming in this afternoon as well.
Hope everyone is well. Any snow up there in the States?! God Bless everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No snow in Virginia, but the mercury did drop to below 50 degrees, so the locals have pulled out the down jackets and gloves. Can milk and toilet paper runs be far behind?