Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Goats and Taxis!

So, there are a few interesting things about Jamaica that have made me laugh since I arrived or have caught me off guard here and there. The first of these things is goats...yes...goats. Goats run around all over this island like stray dogs. They are EVERYWHERE. I am personally a fan of the baby goats outside one of the apostalates where I work. They just scavage around looking for food and "baaaahhh" when I walk by on my way to the bus stop. Last week at the bus stop I watched a huge goat jump onto his hind legs and then into a trash can searching for some dinner. Even in some of the busier parts of the city there are goats just trotting around! Anyway, it just makes me laugh that of all animals to roam around it is goats!! The next interesting concept is the method of taxi riding. Personally, I never understood why it doesn't work this way in the States, but anyway...here in Jamaica they fill every taxi with as many people as possible who are headed in the same direction. So none of that "one person per taxi" stuff you see in cities in the States. Granted, I am sure people in the States might not be too fond of stuffing 6 passengers plus a driver in a small car, but at least filling it to its legal limit just seems much more practicle to me! Then, unless you yell out "one stop driver" you get dropped off in a general location where all the cabs pick up and drop off passengers. Well, thats about it for tonight. I hope everyone who lives in the northern part of the States is enjoying the cool weather! Every now and again when I am profusely sweating I think about how some people in the world are wearing winter coats right now. It's in the mid 80s here and REALLY humid! God Bless Everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goats! Goats? Are you frightened, some may ask...Naahhh I'm sure you'll reply.