Friday, October 24, 2008

Almost there...

Hello All! So, in 10 short days I will be sitting on a plane on my way to my new home in Jamaica. I cannot believe that it is only a week and a half away. Time really flew by these past couple weeks. I was able to speak at my parish this past weekend and I am overwhelmed with gratitude for all the people who have given me donations and for all the people who approached me after Mass to let me know they would be praying for me. I feel so much more at ease with everything now and I know it is only because of all the prayers that have been said for me. So, now all thats left are the final preparations that unfortunately will have to wait till next weekend, RIGHT before I leave. This upcoming week I will be in New York for training and orientation with the Catholic Medical Mission Board, who will be my sponsor while I am in Jamaica. It will be nice to meet some fellow volunteers, although none of them will be headed of to Jamaica with me I am sure we will still all have lots to talk about! Anyway, I just wanted to write a quick post so everyone knows things are going well and I am looking forward to boarding that plane in 10 days and as Maggie, the nurse I will be replacing at Mustard Seed told me, taking that huge sigh of relief that all the stresses and anxieties that come with the preparations are finally over! Again, thanks everyone for your prayers...keep them coming! God Bless!

1 comment:

kiana said...

Hi Sarah I think it's great that your going to Jamaica to be a nurse and help peoples lives. Well have a good time in Jamaica!

P.S. talk to you later! great website!!!

your friend,
kiana benick