Saturday, August 22, 2009

"I am blessed. Everyday of my life I am blessed."

It's been nearly 2 months since my last post! Like I have said before, Jamaican time is on fast forward! A lot has happened in 2 months that's for sure! We have had several one month long volunteers come and go over the summer months. It's been nice to meet new people and it's given me the chance to live and work with all different kinds of people! Now that summer is nearing it's end (although the temperatures here are certainly not dropping) we are back to just me, Chelsea, and Daisy, a volunteer from the Netherlands.
As I mentioned it's hot as...well...its REALLY hot! Even the Jamaicans are telling me this is one of the hottest summers they've had in awhile. Part of the problem was a lack of rain. It had not rained for weeks, but then my friends came to visit and they brought all that rain that had been falling in the States with them! The Jamaicans consider rain, as long it's not in the form of a hurricane, a blessing. So, thanks Maria and Courtney :)
Having my friends come to visit was really great! It was nice to have people come and experience my life here and experience Jamaica itself. I tried to give them the truest to life experience I could. We rode in cabs and walked through the bus terminal. We even took a minibus 3 hours across the island to spend the weekend at the beach! The minibus ride involves very loud music (either gospel or dance hall depending on your driver), wild driving, and being squished up with 5 0r 6 people in a space meant for 3 or 4! Not to mention getting some interesting looks because Jamaicans don't see many white girls riding in a minibus! Here is a link to a song that describes the experience perfectly. The song is titled "Two White Girls Pon a Minibus."
A few weeks ago I was able to visit Blessed Assurance, our home in Montego Bay for the first time! Don't be fooled, the home is no where near the tourist beaches and resorts! It's down several potholed roads off a main drag that is several miles from downtown Montego Bay, but the home is great! There are about 50 kids there, all with similar disabilities to the children in our other homes. There is also a cottage for unwed teen moms. Below are a few pictures from our day there.

I can't believe I have been here for nearly 10 months. The kids have started to realize that I will be leaving soon. Every day at least a few of them will ask "Auntie, you go foreign soon?" There are a few girls at the Dare to Care that know what month I am leaving and hold me tight everyday when I visit them and say "Auntie, October is too soon. You can't leave!" And I try and assure them that 2 months is still plenty of time, but I am realizing that before I know it the end of October will be here. But, as one of my co-workers said the other day, "once you come to Mustard Seed, you have to come back." And that will certainly be the case for me.